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When we talk about pedagogy in early years we mean all the things that adults do to foster children's learning and development. At Blackhall Nursery we consider our pedagogy to be rights respecting, child-led and play-based.

Hand print art
UNCRC right to rest
UNCRC right to education


The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) consists of as 54 articles that cover all aspects of a child's life and set out the civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights that all children everywhere are entitled to. It also explains how adults and governments must work together to make sure all children can enjoy all their rights. 

At Blackhall Nursery we endeavour to weave the UNCRC principles of protection, participation and provision through our everyday practice. Some examples of how we do this are:

  1. Treating all children (and adults) with consistent kindness, fairness and respect.

  2. Allowing children choice - free flow between indoors and outdoors, rolling snack and lunch, choosing their own learning goals and very little time allocated to set activities- almost all day is allocated to play-based learning.

  3. Consulting with children- they create the nursery 'rules', we ask and act on their opinions about the nursery environment and resources when we consider changes.

  4. Celebrating different faiths and celebrations throughout the year and representing all faiths, cultures and races in the nursery environment.

  5. Supporting the children to understand their rights and how they help others to uphold their rights too.

  6. Providing healthy food that meet each child's dietary requirements.

  7. Creating quiet spaces where children can rest or sleep.

  8. Having well trained staff who understand and act upon our robust child protection policies and procedures.

© 2025 Blackhall Nursery   Scottish Charity No SC029338   Registered in Scotland No 270878   All Rights Reserved
Registered Office: Ravelston Park Pavilion, Ravelston Park, Craigcrook Road, Edinburgh EH4 3RU. Privacy & Terms & Conditions

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